Saturday, February 7, 2009

2009 Chinese New Year Dinner at Peninsula

A small group of MAM members and their families had a gathering at Peninsula on Sun Jan 25.

The must-have Loh-Sang....yummm.

The mess after the tossing...

Having some appetizers - Lobak, Satay, Crab Legs, etc

The Nelson family.
(No, Lina is not flipping at the camera. She is making a peace sign
but the over-exposed photo makes her other finger 'disappeared.'

Yu-Jie, Sheit, Ava & Ethan

Matt & Lina (and soon to be baby)

Pei-Lin, Connie, Rick & Marcus "The Curry Laksa King"

Mark & Junko

Kak Aina, Leo & Mike looking intensely at...

Adam putting his manhood to the test again eating a piece of century egg
after previously passing the belacan and the durian tests,
...and he passes again without choking or flinching.

Lisa pretending to be a Balinese dancer by capping her fingers with empty claw shells.

Adam, Waz-His-Name & Aina

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